GOA: The good work and public service done by Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) workers and volunteers are known world over. Despite the selfless service offered by AAP supporters, they are often mocked as “AAPtards” by abusive BJP supporters.
BJP supporters claim that AAP workers only abuse – an ironical claim because it’s the BJP supporters who are abusive – and they are good for nothing. They cite some rare examples of AAP workers erring to prove their point.
However, another such attempt by BJP supporters failed miserably when an AAP supporter ended up doing public service even though he was accused of an act that was abusive and violent.
The incident happened in Goa, where an AAP supporter Alexander D’Souza threw stones at BJP supporter Daniel Fernandes. Daniel had called Alexander an AAPtard, after which Alexander got angry and tried to hit Daniel with a big stone.
“Daniel is a cunning man and thus he ducked to avoid the stone. Only a coward will do that, and he was supporter of Modi the coward,” Alexander recounted the incident.
As a result of Daniel’s deceitful behavior, the stone missed him and hit 47-years-old Anthony who was waiting for a bus by the same road.
Local journalists confirm that Anthony had lost his eyesight in a road accident when he was 29 years old. But this stone thrown by the AAP supporter proved to be a blessing in disguise for him. The stone hit him exactly at the same place where he was hit in the accident 18 years ago.
Anthony fell unconscious after being hit by Alexander’s stone and he was immediately taken to hospital. Alexander confirms that Daniel had run away from the spot and this good work of taking a person to hospital was done by Alexander.
In the hospital, when Anthony regained his consciousness, he realized that he had regained his eyesight too. The stone thrown by an AAP supporter had cured him of his blindness.
“I will surely vote for AAP in the upcoming assembly elections,” Anthony told Junta Ka Reporter.
News about this incident is spreading fast in Goa with people sharing this information on Whatsapp, Facebook and other social media platforms. This incident is being seen as a turning point in AAP’s chances of winning elections in Goa.
The incident also proves that AAP workers, who are wrongly and unfairly called AAPtards by BJP supporters, are actually good for the society even when they are angry.
While Alexander has done a social service, latest reports suggest that Goa police, on orders of the local BJP government, might arrest him for throwing stones at Daniel and Anthony. Goa’s AAP unit has already threatened to undertake mass protests if their Good Samaritan is arrested.